A Parenting Seminar
With Dr. Tedd Tripp
April 21-22, 2006
Community Baptist Church
3535 25th St SW
Fargo, ND 58104 (Click for
A DVD series covering the material is available from Shepherd Press.
The seminar is designed especially for parents, grandparents, educators, counselors and others who work with children and families. Licensed social workers are eligible for five contact hours.
Conference Schedule |
Dates |
Time |
Subject |
Content |
Friday, April 21 |
6:30-6:55 pm |
Registration |
Formative instruction provides children with biblical ways of thinking. It is the process of instruction that enables our children to root all of life in God's revelation in the Bible. Formative instruction is not focused on correcting something that has gone wrong; its focus is providing biblical ways of interpreting and responding to life. |
Friday, April 21 |
7:00-8:00 pm |
The Call To Formative Instruction - Deuteronomy 6 |
Children are instinctively worshipers. They are made in the image of God and are hard-wired for worship. They love to be awed. They delight in marveling at things. They will either worship God the Creator or created things. We will identify both common idols of the heart and our calling as parents to hold the glory and goodness of God before our children. |
Friday, April 21 |
8:15-9:15 pm |
Giving Children A Vision For The Glory Of God - Psalm 145 |
Saturday, April 22 |
8:00-8:25 am |
Light breakfast |
Saturday, April 22 |
8:30-9:30 am |
Giving Children An Understanding Of Authority - Ephesians 6 |
Our culture thinks of authority as derived from overwhelming force or consent. We have no idea that it is good and proper for some to be in authority and for others to be under authority. Parents often unwittingly make their children independent decision makers. When we do, we give them both an appetite for a liberty that does not exist and a mistaken notion about freedom. True freedom is living joyfully under the authorities that God has ordained. |
Saturday, April 22 |
9:40-10:40 am |
Giving Children An Understanding Of The Heart - Proverbs 4:23 |
Proverbs 4:23 says, "the heart is the well-spring of life." Luke 6 says that it is "out of the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks." If behavior flows from the heart, then we cannot biblically think about behavior without reference to the heart. This teaching will equip us to help our children see how behavior that has strayed reflects a heart that has strayed. |
Saturday, April 22 |
10:50 am-12:00 pm |
Overview Of Corrective Discipline |
This teaching will provide a clear guideline for physical discipline that is gracious and kind. The second part of this session will explore the sowing and reaping principle of the Bible and root our administration of consequences for our children in rich biblical soil. Additionally, we will examine some of the biblical principles that can guide our communication. The seminar will end with the reminder that the grace and strength, insight and wisdom for this work are found in Christ. |
About Dr. Tripp Dr. Tedd Tripp is senior pastor of Grace Fellowship Church, Hazleton,
Pennsylvania. He and his wife Margy have three adult children and six grandchildren. Dr. Tripp is a graduate
of Geneva College, B.A. in History, Philadelphia Theological Seminary, M. Div., and Westminster Theological
Seminary, D. Min with an emphasis in Pastoral Counseling. Tedd is the author of the popular child-rearing
book, Shepherding a Child's Heart.Dr. Tripp has been an elder in Grace Fellowship Church since 1976 and pastor of the church since 1983. Before seminary, he worked as a contractor and in industry. He and Margy founded Immanuel Christian School in 1979 where he has served as a teacher and administrator. The Tripps still serve on the board of ICS. From 1985-1997 Dr. Tripp served as a counselor in the Lehigh Valley office of the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation. For the past eight years Dr. Tripp has maintained an extensive ministry as a conference speaker and presenter of Shepherding a Child's Heart seminars. His books, video and audio material are used throughout the world. |
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