Community Baptist Church has an eldership form of government. Eldership is not just a glorified version of
a church board or a group that assists the pastor. While they all have different areas that they primarily
work with, they are all equal in authority. (The following notes are condensed from the booklet Biblical
Eldership by Alexander Strauch.)
Some of the distinguishing features of the eldership form of government include:
Pastoral Leadership
According to the New Testament, elders lead the church, teach and preach the Word, protect the church from
false teachers, exhort and admonish the saints in sound doctrine, visit the sick and pray, and judge
doctrinal issues. In biblical terminology, elders shepherd, oversee, lead, and care for the local
Shared Leadership
By definition, the elder structure of government is a collective leadership in which each elder shares
equally the position, authority, and responsibility of the office. In contemporary terms, it is referred to
as multiple church leadership, plurality, shared leadership, or team leadership.
Male Leadership
Just as Paul teaches male headship in the family, he teaches male headship in the local church (1 Tim
Qualified Leadership
The overriding concern of the New Testament in relation to church leadership is to ensure that the right kind
of men will serve as elders and deacons. The scriptural qualifications can be divided into three broad
categories relating to moral and spiritual character, abilities, and Spirit-given motivation. (1 Tim 3)
Moral & Spiritual Character
The first, overarching qualification is that of being "above reproach", the meaning of which is defined by
the character qualities that follow the term. The other character qualities stress the elder's integrity,
self-control, and spiritual maturity.
Three requirements address the elder's abilities to perform the task. He must be able to manage his family
household well, provide a model of Christian living for others to follow, and be able to teach and defend the
Spirit-given Motivation for the Task
An obvious but not insignificant qualification is the elder's personal desire to love and care for God's
Servant Leadership
New Testament, Christlike elders are to be servant leaders, not rulers or dictators. Like the servant Christ,
they are to sacrifice their time and energy for the good of others. Only elders who are loving, humble
servants can genuinely manifest the incomparable life of Jesus Christ to their congregations and a watching
world. The humble-servant character of the eldership doesn't imply, however, an absence of authority. The key
issue is the attitude in which elders exercise that authority.

Community Baptist Church currently has four elders, three of which are full-time or vocational, and one who is
- Michael Beatty
- Doug VanderMeulen, preaching elder
- Chris Brucks

Community Baptist Deacons: