Community Baptist Church of Fargo, ND is a growing community of believing households who are committed to a historical Reformed understanding of the gospel in faith and practice for the glory of God, the exaltation of Jesus Christ and the advancement of His Church on earth.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, February 9

9:30 AM - Doctrine of the Church Class

10:30 AM - Morning Worship

12:30 PM - Fellowship Dinner

2:00 PM - Afternoon Service

3:30 PM - Doctrine of the Church Class

Wednesday, February 12

7:00 PM - Prayer Service

Saturday, February 15

8:00 AM - Monthly Men's Breakfast Gathering

Check the Calendar for more scheduled events.

The 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. services will be live-streamed on SermonAudio.

Regular Events/Reminders:

  • On the first Sunday of each month at CBC, we highlight our Fellowship Fund offering opportunity.
  • On the first Sunday of each month at CBC, during our reading of the Law, we use a Responsive Reading of the Law and Psalms. Copies are available at the back table as you enter the sanctuary that morning.
  • On the second Sunday of each month at CBC, we have a Fellowship Dinner immediately following our morning worship service. People are encouraged to bring a main dish and a side dish or dessert, if able.
  • On the third Saturday of each month at CBC, a Men's Breakfast Gathering is held at 8:00 AM, an opportunity to fellowship, pray together, encourage each other and strengthen bonds as brothers in Christ.
  • On the fourth Friday of each month, we will have a spaghetti dinner starting at 5:30, followed by a congregational business meeting.

Recent Sermons

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Featured Sermons

Who We Are

Our purpose is to spiritually shepherd a growing community of believing households that are maturing in their relationship with God, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, to the praise and glory of the Father.


Psalm of the Month for February from our Psalter: Psalm 104 C

2024 Focus on the Doctrine of the Church:
    During calendar year 2024, we are focusing on the doctrine of the church. During our afternoon worship services, our Elders will teach through the sections of our Confession that pertain to the church.
    We are now beginning a study of the book "The Glory of a True Church and Its Discipline Displayed" by Benjamin Keach, originally published in 1697 in London. We will be using the 2024 newly-edited version (Michael Beatty, General Editor, and Sarah Beatty, Editor.) Pastor Michael writes, in his Foreword, “This edition has been prepared with a desire to preserve Keach’s original language, while enhancing clarity and accessibility.” Please contact Pastor Doug if you need a copy of the book.

Fourth Friday Dinner with Business Meeting
    The elders are calling a regular monthly congregational business meeting - beginning in January, this will take place on the 4th Friday evening of every month. We want to provide opportunities to talk through various aspects of church life and to introduce items for congregational consideration. Our next gathering will be Friday, January 24, 2025. We will begin with a basic spaghetti dinner at 5:30 PM.